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Assets Management

Combining deep-rooted research with tailor-made solutions, we provide a mix of diversified assets across industries, styles, and geographies, to mitigate single-source risk and provide greater value. Our investment philosophy to create wealth focuses on taking steps at the right time and patience to achieve our goals.

Key Features
  • Investment Value
  • Special Situations
  • Multi-sector Expertise
  • Additional Investments
  • Growth in Value
  • Enhanced Performance
  • Tailor-made Solutions
  • Transformational Strategies

Portfolio Management Services

Our world-class fund managers zero in on the best opportunities and take conviction bets that will bring long term appreciation and value to a client’s portfolio.

We take into consideration the volatility of the portfolio mix, as well the risk-tolerance of each client.

Key Features
  • Investment Value
  • Open-Ended Fund Type
  • Multi-sector Expertise
  • Compliance Knowledge
  • Growth in Value
  • Enhanced Performance
  • Tailor-made Solutions
  • Maximized Returns

Wealth Management

The goal of our Wealth Management team is to preserve capital, for current income, as well as to grow it, and bequeath the wealth as inheritance to the client’s future generations. To meet the unique needs of each client we have developed sophisticated customized solutions.

Key Features
  • Constructive Approach
  • Regulatory Expertise
  • Compliance Knowledge
  • Geographical Focus
  • High-quality Investments
  • Long-term Horizons
  • Tailor-made Solutions
  • Accumulating Wealth

Investment Advisory

Our Investment Advisory has the experience and capability to advise, and finance, clients who seek investment opportunities in Projects in the Emerging Markets region. Citrus Asset has an extensive international network and multiple partnerships, which aids its clients in investment analysis and decision-making.

Key Features
  • Constructive Approach
  • Strategic Alliances
  • Comprehensive Strategy
  • Risk Management
  • High-quality Investments
  • Successful Securitization
  • Tailor-made Solutions
  • Alternative Methods of Financing

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